Saturday, November 13, 2010

Starting up the blog again...

It's a big Saturday night here - rainy outside - and inside, an "all-girl" slumber party in the family room. KT is asleep in the IKEA tent, McK is asleep in her princess sleeping bag, Daddy is practicing his guitar parts for church tomorrow and I'm perusing autism blogs. Party On!

Which brings me back to restarting the blog, if I'm a-gonna read 'em, then I need to be writing 'em, too. Seriously, kids on the ASD spectrum are so varied, maybe our experiences with KT can encourage or guide someone else. Maybe not in a big, life-changing way, but in small, get-me-through the day ways, cause the one thing that I have learned is that is there is no one place that can give you all answers - not any of doctors, or therapists, certainly not the school system or the insurance companies - And that's assuming you know enough to know what questions to ask! So here we go again! I'll try to fill in the gaps since I let the blog lapse as we go along....

If you want to read a more established blog by an mom with an autistic child, try it's a good place to start and she's linked to other blogs as well.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Thanks for the shout-out! So what's up with your blog...are you in or you out? :)